24巻 第2号 2010年9月



                     大井正浩 1

Research papers


Clarifying Technical Requirements and Proposing Solutions
       for Visual Interrogation Recording

高間浩樹、吉浦裕、越前功、佐々木良一… 3
Hiroki TAKAMA, Hiroshi YOSHIURA, Isao ECHIZEN and Ryoichi SASAKI  



    Automated Scheduling of Volunteers Through Adopting a Nurse
      Scheduling Infrastructure: A Case for Japan

                                                             Ulas BARDAK, Seiya HASEGAWA,
Kazuko MISHIMA and Yoshikazu SHINODA …13


      Privacy in Business Processes
– On Enforcement of Privacy Policies regarding Usage of Personal Data –

                                                                Sven WOHLGEMUTH, Isao ECHIZEN,
Noboru SONEHARA and Günter MÜLLER …21






 Clarifying Technical Requirements and Proposing Solutions
for Visual Interrogation Recording

電気通信大学    高 間 浩 樹

The University of Electro-Communications  Hiroki TAKAMA

電気通信大学  吉 浦   裕

            The University of Electro-Communications  Hiroshi YOSHIURA

国立情報学研究所  越 前   功

                                                   National Institute of Informatics  Isao ECHIZEN

東京電機大学  佐々木  良  一 

Tokyo Denki University     Ryoichi SASAKI

要 旨







Automated Scheduling of Volunteers Through Adopting a Nurse
Scheduling Infrastructure: A Case for Japan

Intelligent Systems Laboratory,SECOM Co., LTD.            Ulas BARDAK

Intelligent Systems Laboratory,SECOM Co., LTD.   Seiya HASEGAWA

Intelligent Systems Laboratory,SECOM Co., LTD.  Noboru SONEHARA

Albert-Ludwig University Freiburg, Germany.   Yoshikazu SHINODA


  During disaster relief efforts the number and skills of available workers and volunteers can vary quickly. Scheduling volunteers who may join the rescue efforts can be especially difficult as their skills and proficiencies may be unknown. A doctor who may happen to be in the vicinity can prove to be invaluable if he or she can be effectively assigned to a task fitting his or her specialty. Doing this manually is a difficult task since one would have to remember where the current shortages are, take into account the doctor's abilities and preferences and if required, juggle assignments of others in order to open up a position where this doctor can be most useful. Effective and quick assignment of these workers and volunteers can save lives.

In this paper we present a way of utilizing an existing nurse scheduling system in scheduling volunteers in a disaster. We also make the case for applicability of such a system for use in Japan.



 Nurse Scheduling Problem, Volunteer Scheduling, Scheduling System, Labor Assignment, Optimization.




Privacy in Business Processes
– On Enforcement of Privacy Policies regarding Usage of Personal Data –

National Institute of Informatics Sven WOHLGEMUTH

National Institute of Informatics        Isao ECHIZENS

National Institute of Informatics     Noboru SONEHARA

National Institute of Informatics       Günter MÜLLER 


Business processes require the usage of personal data, e.g. for personalized services and for statistics. This usage implies not only the collection of personal data but also their processing, storage, and disclosure to third parties. Privacy policies based on data protection legislation regulate the usage of personal data. Even though users can enforce privacy policies regarding the conscious collection of personal data, users cannot enforce privacy policies regarding the processing, storage, and disclosure of their collected data to third parties. This stems from the fact that privacy-enhancing technologies focus on the access of personal data but not on their usage. Privacy is a promise of the service providers who have collected personal data. In this article, we will report on privacy-enhancing technologies aiming at enforcing privacy policies for the usage of personal data.   
We will investigate on the upcoming computing paradigm Cloud Computing and introduce a privacy-manag
ement system, which focuses on the disclosure of personal data to third parties by observing the data flows.



 Privacy, business processes, disclosure of personal data to third parties, privacy-enhancing technologies,
    usage contro

