24巻 第3号 2011年1月



                     島田裕次 1

Research papers


Correlation Problems between Intellectual Property Management
and Security Management relating to Software

児玉晴男… 3



Design and Preliminary Evaluation of the System that Detects
       Private Information from SNS text

渡辺夏樹、片岡春乃、内海 彰、吉浦 裕… 15
Natsuki WATANABE, Haruno KATAOKA, Akira UTSUMI and Hiroshi YOSHIURA



A Study of User’s Information Security Countermeasures
       Using the Product Safety Field’s Methods for Comparison

矢島 秀浩、佐々木良一、中島 一郎… 31
Hidehiro YAJIMA, Ryoichi SASAKI and Ichiro NAKAJIMA



   The Importance of IT Audit to Promote Development of Secure Systems
     –An Approach for Integrating IT Audit with the IT Product Life Cycle
  to Promote Security–

                                                             Michael DEEMING …45

     A Survey on Information Security Economics

                                               Bongkot JENJARRUSSAKUL and Kanta MATSUURA …53






 Correlation Problems between Intellectual Property Management
and Security Management relating to Software

放送大学総合研究大学院大学    児  玉  晴  男

The Open University of  Japan / The Graduate University for Advanced Studies Haruo KODAMA


要 旨









 Design and Preliminary Evaluation of the System that Detects
       Private Information from SNS text

電気通信大学    渡  辺  夏 樹

The University of Electro-Communications  Natsuki WATANABE

日本電信電話株式会社  片  岡  春  乃

                                                   NTT Corporation  Haruno KATAOKA

電気通信大学  内  海     彰

            The University of Electro-Communications          Akira UTSUMI

電気通信大学  吉 浦   裕

            The University of Electro-Communications  Hiroshi YOSHIURA

要 旨

近年,BlogSNSSocial Networking Service)の日記およびそれに対するコメントからユーザのプライバシー情報が漏洩し,社会問題になっている.そこで,特定ユーザの18ヶ月分のSNSを分析し,日記およびコメントに含まれるプライバシー情報の種類,件数および,表現形態を明らかにした.この分析に基づき,SNSテキストからプライバシー情報を検知するシステムのモデルを提案した.このモデルは,文中に直接記載されたプライバシー情報を文字列マッチングによって検知する処理と,直接記載されていない情報をWeb検索によって間接的に検知する方法から構成される.提案したモデルの一部を実装して,予備評価を行ない,今後の実用化に向けての見通しを明らかにした








 A Study of User’s Information Security Countermeasures
       Using the Product Safety Field’s Methods for Comparison

独立行政法人情報処理推進機構    矢  島  秀  浩

Information-Technology Promotion Agency  Hidehiro YAJIMA

東京電機大学  佐々木 良  一 

Tokyo Denki University     Ryoichi SASAKI

早稲田大学  中  島  一  郎

Waseda University      Ichiro NAKAJIMA

要 旨







The Importance of IT Audit to Promote Development
of Secure Systems
–An Approach for Integrating IT Audit with the IT Product Life Cycle
to Promote Security–

US CPA, CISA, QSA, Associate Director at Protiviti LLC           Michael DEEMING


  This paper will present an overview of the importance of IT Audit involvement during planning, development and implementation of a new system to promote data security and integrity. The assessment will focus on security risks within the project life cycle phases: planning, requirements analysis, system design and development practices, test plans and methodologies, implementation and rollout, and post implementation.

This approach of integrating audit with project management and development activities intends to support more effective system development and security. Through the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities a company can meet or exceed stakeholder expectations by balancing demands between project scope, schedule, resources, cost, quality and desired results.



 information security, IT product lifecycle, IT projects, IT Audit, Protiviti Japan, development, testing.




A Survey on Information Security Economics


Institute of Industrial Science, The University of  Tokyo   Bongkot JENJARRUSSAKUL

Institute of Industrial Science, The University of  Tokyo                Kanta MATSUURA


Information security plays a significant role in information systems due to their higher adoption rate in basic infrastructures. This widespread usage of information technology brings higher probability of risks and attacks to information systems. Moreover, higher number of firms and organizations concern more about expenditure on information security. From this fact, just understanding technologies is insufficient for appropriate adoption of information security. Hence understanding other aspects such as economics is also required. This paper introduces existing studies on information security economics and discusses some future directions; existing analyses based on economics theories have successfully explained a number of problems related to information security, and future steps would need more synthesis-oriented approaches as well as empirical studies.



 Information security economics, Externality, Vulnerability, Privacy, Security investment.

