25巻 第3号 2012年1月



                     力 利則 1

Research papers


Application of Social Consensus Support System for IT Risk Measure “Social-MRC”
   to the Problem
Concerning Information Filtering

            大河原優、高草木一成、山田雄大、矢島敬士、増田英孝、小林哲郎、佐々木良一 … 3
Masaru OKAWARA, Kazushige TAKAKUSAKI, Yuta YAMADA, Hiroshi YAJIMA,
                                                            Hidetaka MASUDA,
Tetsurou KOBAYASHI and Ryoichi SASAKI


Statistical Analysis and Consideration on Personal Information
Leakage and Local Characteristics

文倉 斉、小林哲郎、佐々木良一… 15
Hitoshi FUMIKURA,Tetsuro KOBAYASHI and Ryoichi SASAKI



Development of Application Method of High Grade
       Anti-Tamper Equipment for Privacy Protection in Epidemiology Investigation
       using Plural Organizations D


長谷部浩司、上原哲太郎、佐々木良一… 24
Koji HASEBE,Tetsutaro UEHARA and Ryoichi SASAKI



Conducting Effective Enterprise Risk Assessment


                                                            Yasumi TANIGUCH…35


      Two Views on Hierarchical Key Assignment Schemes


                                              Anil MUNDRA, Anish MATHURIA, Naveen KUMAR,       
Takahiro MATSUDA and Kanta MATSUURA…40







Research papers



 Application of Social Consensus Support System for IT Risk Measure
“Social-MRC” to the Problem Concerning Information Filtering

東京電機大学      大河原   優

 Tokyo Denki University      Masaru OKAWARA

東京電機大学      高草木 一 成

Tokyo Denki University      Kazushige TAKAKUSAKI

東京電機大学      山 田 雄 大

Tokyo Denki University      Yuta YAMADA

東京電機大学      矢 島 敬 士

Tokyo Denki University      Hiroshi YAJIMA

東京電機大学      増 田 英 孝

Tokyo Denki University      Hidetaka MASUDA

国立情報学研究所     小 林 哲 郎

National Institute of Information   Tetsurou KOBAYASHI

東京電機大学      佐々木 良 一

Tokyo Denki University      Ryoichi SASAKI


要 旨












Statistical Analysis and Consideration on Personal Information
Leakage and
Local Characteristics

東京電機大学      文 倉   斉

Tokyo Denki University      Hitoshi FUMIKURA

国立情報学研究所     小 林 哲 郎

National Institute of Information   Tetsurou KOBAYASHI

東京電機大学      佐々木 良 一

Tokyo Denki University      Ryoichi SASAKI


要 旨









Development of Application Method of High Grade Anti-Tamper Equipment for Privacy Protection in Epidemiology Investigation using Plural Organizations Data

東京電機大学      長谷部 浩 司

Tokyo Denki University      Koji HASEBE

情報セキュリティ研究所    上 原 哲太郎

The Research Institute of Information Security   Tetsutaro UEHARA

東京電機大学      佐々木 良 一

Tokyo Denki University      Ryoichi SASAKI


要 旨




 疫学調査, 暗号化,耐タンパー装置







Conducting Effective Enterprise Risk Assessment


Protiviti LLC, Managing Director



1.    Introduction

Protiviti Japan conducted a survey at its Global Management Conference held in November 2011 to explore conference participants’ opinions regarding their organizations’ risks and risk management capability to survive amidst global competition. With 114 valid responses from the participants, some survey results include the following:

More than 70% expected an overseas shift in company revenue with an increase in the overseas portion in the range of 10-50%.

About 50% of participants believe that their organization globally identifies and manages risk “very effectively” or “ effectively to a certain degree”, while the rest responded “not effectively”

More than 70% of participants responded that in the past 1-2 years their company’s consolidated risk profile have “ increased significantly” or “increased to some extent”

Formal Risk Assessment ProcessIdentify > Assess > Prioritize > Report to Management has been implemented; globally (26% of respondents), or at the HQ or certain part of the organization (56% of the respondents)

    ・ Risk assessment and risk management
   systems have been integrated with the
   company’s strategic planning process:


globally (15% of respondents), or at the HQ or certain part of the organization (52% of respondents)




















 Two Views on Hierarchical Key Assignment Schemes


 Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of ICT, India        Anil MUNDRA

Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of ICT, India     Anish MATHURIA

Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of ICT, India       Naveen KUMAR

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology   Takahiro MATSUDA

Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo    Kanta MATSUURA



      A hierarchical key assignment scheme is a cryptographic mechanism for enforcing access control in hierarchies. Its role is fundamentally important in some computer security applications but its provable security is hard to achieve in the case of dynamic schemes. Therefore, in order to alleviate problems resulting from solely heuristic approaches, we need systematic views regarding design and implementation both from technical viewpoints and from managerial viewpoints. In this commentary, we aim at providing those views in the following manner. The first one is from technical viewpoints: we describe a progressive construction of hierarchical key assignment schemes to make design issues as systematic as possible. The constructed schemes are basically from existing literatures but with some refinements for security reasons and/or to make the construction more instructive. The second one is from managerial viewpoints: based on security economics, we suggest the importance of deterrents to attacks in system implementations. Our discussions include the applications in which a large hierarchy is required like secure outsourcing of data on cloud.

